Housing and Enabling Investments

Housing and Enabling Investments

Delivering investments that will provide housing and enable Ireland’s regions to enhance their ability to attract investment and generate employment opportunities

The housing and enabling investment theme of ISIF's Impact Strategy targets significant investment across residential development, urban regeneration, commercial real estate and infrastructure.

In June 2022, ISIF launched a new €500m initiative focused on Ireland’s five regional cities – Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford and Kilkenny. The new initiative will result in major investment being targeted to each city in the form of new places to work, places to live and enabling investments resulting in regeneration of regional city centres. Initial investments supporting regional office development and urban regeneration were closed in late 2022 and early 2023.


ISIF's Strategy will support the delivery of 25,000 new homes by 2030. The focus is currently on private/mass market-based developments.By end-2022, ISIF had committed €1.2bn to residential housing with over 11,250 homes sold. Sustainability in the built environment is also a key area of focus.

Urban Regeneration:

ISIF provides long-term and patient capital for regionally transformational projects of scale – targeting a project in each of the five regional cities - Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford and Kilkenny. ISIF’s approach plays a critical role in unlocking sites of strategic importance. Partnerships are formed with private and public sector counterparties, such as the Abbey Quarter in Kilkenny, a flagship project with others to follow.

Commercial Real Estate:

ISIF is a through-the-cycle provider of investment capital to support the supply of high-quality places to work. These developments will enable the growth of indigenous businesses across the regions and attract and drive FDI into the regions. Highly strategic projects in Dublin e.g. industry clusters or regeneration projects, will also be considered.


ISIF will support transport and connectivity-based infrastructure which enhances the physical, virtual and energy connectivity of the regions and Ireland as a whole. ISIF will invest in projects which enhance the overall infrastructure stock, focusing where investment capital can be most additional.

Housing Investments and Enabling Investments